Greetings All.

It has been a few weeks since my last post.  Sorry about the delay, but life happens. In this post, I want to talk about something that is very important to me and hopefully to you also.  When the “tough get going, the going gets tougher”.  But that cliché does not have to hold any meaning as long as a family is around.

I am not very religious.  When my wife said she was divorcing me due to my illness, I asked the rabbi who married us to assist with counseling.  I was thinking, he is a family man, and the one who married us would want to help. His response was, “I spoke with your wife already, and her mind is made up.  There is nothing left to do but continue with the divorce.” Needless to say, I was saddened by his lack of interest and compassion.  I have not stepped foot in that synagogue since that conversation.  I was always under the impression that rabbis and/or people of faith always support you.  Here, not so much.  I was wrong with my impression.

This leads me to the one person who was there for me during this whole ordeal…my brother.  Family.  No matter what happened in the past, what petty arguments we would get into, the approval or disapproval of actions, my brother was there for me. I said earlier that I am not very religious.  That is not necessarily the truth. I am very religious when it comes to family and friends.  I thank GOD every day for my brother. I thank my parents for giving me my baby brother who would end-up being my caregiver.  My ex-wife has already moved on to her next <fill in the blank>. People always think, “The grass is greener…” However, GOD has a wonderful habit to ensure that his creation is in balance, a.k.a. Karma.  ‘Nuff Said.

So, always remember, during good times and bad, a family will always be there for you.  At least in my case, my little Bro is my hero.  It is not because he is stepping up and ensuring that for the remainder of my life I have access to my beautiful daughter or that I have the means to better myself physically and mentally.  What he gives me is hope for a better tomorrow. That regardless of my condition he will be with me up until my last breath.  What more can one say about family, except, “Thank you, GOD”.  What can be said about the abandonment of a spouse due to an illness; do not say, “I do”, when the words, “for better or for worse” are spoken.  It is a complete indecency to the institution of marriage and makes one out to be a lier.  The truth although ugly is a constant reminder that everyone lies.

For me, there will be no goodbyes, no regrets, no more asking “Why me God”? All I need are good memories and loved ones who helped me make them.  I have that now, I always did, I just never saw it.  My eyes are now opened.   What more can I say, except, “Thank you for everything and never forget that I love you”.