Greetings. I was hoping to avoid this topic. COVID-19 has already changed our way of life. The last time our way of life was changed by a global event was September 11, 2001. Liberties and freedoms were sacrificed for security. Are we safer? Maybe, but it is the threats closer to home now that I write about this.
As we all know, “social distancing” is a major topic nationally. Some people do not want to wear masks. Some people do not want to “social distance”. Some people do not think life has changed, they are completely oblivious to ANYTHING but their own selfish world.
Yesterday, I had a normal visit scheduled with my CF doctor. Go in, get a PFT (Pulmonary Function Test), and get refills for my meds. “easy peasy lemon squeezy”, right? Nope.
When I went in, my temperature was normal, but on the high side. It was not a normal HOT Georgia day. I brushed that off to walking with a hat on. Yes, wearing a hat can cause your temperature to increase. Who knew!?
When I went into the exam room, I had the normal vitals taken, then I had my PFT (which was a little lower than last time), time for the doctor to take a listen to my lungs. The look he gave me was not encouraging.
“Have you been tested for COVID-19 yet?” he asked. I replied, “No, I have been careful to social distance myself and I always wear a mask.” “Anyone around your social circles not practicing smart social distancing?” he asked. I replied, “Matter-of-fact, yes. My ex-wife is not. She recently told me that, she does not feel that she needs to social distance herself or our daughter from her new boyfriend. In addition, she told me that it is more important for our daughter to get to know him and his family. Therefore, she would not limit her social contact based on my illness. Even if it means I cannot see my daughter.”
‘Well, that kind of thinking is what causes deaths.” he said calmly. He continued, “I am hearing things in your chest, that are in-line with COVID-19 sounds/rattles. Let’s get you over to the Acute Pulmonary Center at Emory, now! We should have the results in 72 hours. You are “high-risk” your ex-wife knows this and she is being “flippant” about your health and your ability to see your daughter?” My response was a single, “Yes.”
Within the hour I was at the Center. Talk about security and safety protocols in place. I was impressed. I never saw another patient, but the center was full. As I walked down an indiscreet hall-way, the only identifying marks were human temperatures on the doors to the exam rooms. All technicians were in covered FULLY. Even their heads were surrounded by headgear. If anyone has any doubts about this disease, go into one of these testing centers. It is something out of the movie, “Outbreak”.
I will not go into the test. I will just say, it is an experience I do not want to repeat anytime soon.
I sent emails to my ex-wife letting her know about the test. This was important because 1) I was to have my daughter for the next week for our annual Daddy/Daughter vacation and 2)If I test positive, more than likely, it is game over for me.
Not ONE(1) response from the ex. The Borg are more caring.
All thru the night, I was afraid of the outcome. For a CF patient to be given a “Positive” test result with COVID is a slow and painful death sentence. The doctor told me, if I go into the hospital, there is a high probability that I might not come out. There is no cure. All they can do is make me comfortable. Wow, the truth hurts.
I sent an email to some close friends, letting them know. All responded, “I am here for you!”
Well, today, less then 24 hrs later the results came back, negative. This is GREAT news. I told my friends and my ex-wife. Her response, “Thanks for letting me know.” My friends, “God is watching over you. I am so relieved to know you okay.” My response to them, “Yes, I am too. But what about next time?”
Yep, I might have to go thru this again and again because of selfishness, lack of empathy, lack of common sense, lack of compassion for others, and totally disregard for respect others. Nevermind, endangering a child.
Welcome to my CF world with an ex that does not look beyond her own self-interests. It sucks, but it is life. And my life is my daughter.
‘Nuff said!